Thursday, December 11, 2008

21st Century Skills

I attended the Michigan Virtual University Symposium a few weeks ago, and people were discussing 21st Century Skills. I wasn't 100% sure of what they were talking about, but I was able to take an educated guess. This week, Jim Gates, sent me an article about 21st Century Skills that explained them in a little more detail. The article he sent me states:

Elena Silva, in her Education sector report, says that the many definitions have at their core the ability to “analyze and evaluate information, create new ideas and new knowledge from the information.” In short, the skills are not new, but they take on a new urgency in the 21st century. A report from the Partnership for 21st Century Skills also emphasizes the importance of creativity and critical thinking, but adds new knowledge to the definition. It includes global awareness, media literacy, information literacy, and other new content.

Check out the full article: and TEACHERS let me know what you think after reading it.

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