Saturday, December 13, 2008

Gold Star

I saw this on CBS...not sure which show it was, but it's worth sharing. GoldStar Registry is an online website that is a FREE registry for teachers. It works like a bridal and baby registry. Teachers log in and can choose from over 6,000 classroom items to create a classroom wish list. Community members can go online and help the teacher receive the materials he or she needs to assist in the instruction of the students.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Detroit's Financial Czar's

Czar's, Czar's, everywhere in Detroit...the Big 3, and the Detroit Public School District. This AM while the CBS morning news played in the background of my morning routine, I heard "Detroit's Big 3 Car Czar..." My routine came to a halt and I tuned in. Last evening before heading to bed I read an article about how Michigan State Superintendent, Mike Flannagan, declared the district to be in a financial emergency. Now they, too, are in search of a "finance czar." Will this be a hot job title as we progress through the year? Are other industries and organizations utilizing this term in the same sense? A Czar is person of great power. Mayor Fenty of DC, has given power to Michelle Rhee to change the DC School District in ways she that she seems fit. This sure seems like a lot of power if you ask me. Could we call her a "czar" as well? Many people are surely not opening her decisions with open arms, so beware future "CAR CZAR" and "DPS Finance CZAR!" You now not only have to be in charge of changing an arena that is already a mess, but also deal with a ton of negative criticism as well, and I'm sure your every move will be scrutinized. Good luck to all!

21st Century Skills

I attended the Michigan Virtual University Symposium a few weeks ago, and people were discussing 21st Century Skills. I wasn't 100% sure of what they were talking about, but I was able to take an educated guess. This week, Jim Gates, sent me an article about 21st Century Skills that explained them in a little more detail. The article he sent me states:

Elena Silva, in her Education sector report, says that the many definitions have at their core the ability to “analyze and evaluate information, create new ideas and new knowledge from the information.” In short, the skills are not new, but they take on a new urgency in the 21st century. A report from the Partnership for 21st Century Skills also emphasizes the importance of creativity and critical thinking, but adds new knowledge to the definition. It includes global awareness, media literacy, information literacy, and other new content.

Check out the full article: and TEACHERS let me know what you think after reading it.

Iceberg Radio

People often talk about "being in their happy place." Well, you know what puts me in my happy place...without fail...80's hair bands. I'm not ashamed. I love them! When I was in PA and had cable (Comcast) I would constantly be listening to Arena Rock. I believe, if I recall correctly, that the Comcast channel is 412, 420, or 421. I'm drawing a blank, and am second guessing myself. Anyway, this week I was craving some 80's rock, but my cd's just weren't looking right, and I don't have cable...what was I to do? I connect to Iceberg Radio... Years ago, one of my buddy's from the Burg, Chuck, exposed me to Iceberg Radio. I haven't used it in years, until this week. I've been rocking to the 80's all week and am LOVING IT! They've even added more channels...tons of genres available for all. If you are dying for the sounds of Motley Crue, The Cult, Skid Row, Whitesnake, Poison, Scorpions, White Lion, Tesla, or GNR, then you have to click on Metal, then 80's Hair Bands.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Help Detroit Area Children this Holiday Season

Do you remember what it felt like to wear your new clothes to school that you got for Christmas? Give what you can this holiday season to the Ruth Alden Children's Clothing Drive. The drive began back in 1935 when they collected dresses for little girls to where, so "no child should have to stay home from school because of nothing to wear." Readers responded overwhelmingly, and the Free Press handed the dresses off to the Goodfellows, who distributed them in their annual gift baskets to the delight of little girls who couldn't have felt more special.

Later on, dresses were replaced with warmer and more durable blue jeans in the Goodfellow gift packages, and now black jeans are the attire of choice for both boys and girls because they adhere to the uniform policy in the Detroit Public Schools.

Free Press Charities will continue to fully support the Ruth Alden Clothing Drive but is asking donors to send their funds directly to the Old Newsboys' Goodfellow Fund of Detroit.
As in the past, the clothing will be placed in gift packages that include toys, books and games. According to Klok-Schneider, each child will also receive a dental kit, including a toothbrush and toothpaste, donated by the Michigan Dental Foundation. Girls ages 5 through 11 will receive a beautifully dressed doll.

Please keep Ruth Alden's spirit of Christmas alive this year and give what you can to the Old Newsboys' Goodfellow Fund. And smile knowing you made a child feel special.

DEBORA SCOLA is community affairs director of the Detroit Media Partnership. Contact her at 313-222-6895 or at

Read more and give what you can.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Keyboard Shortcuts

After many years of computer experience I finally starting using keyboard shortcuts. I've used a few in the past year and really find them beneficial. I've been using the basics (CTRL X = Cut, CTRL V = Paste, and CTRL C = Copy). Due to the amount of increased computer usage and online/digital reading I've been doing, I picked up a few more that I thought I would share.

Not only have I gotten reading classes, but the CRTL + has become one of my best friends! CTRL + allows you to zoom in on your readings. No more eye straining! Yeah!

I'm not quite sure if it is my building's internet connection or my new laptop, but my pages are constantly NOT loading. Not quite sure who showed me this one or if I learned it on my own, but F5 will REFRESH your pages.

Google Alerts

Back in June I started using Gmail as my main email provider. I love it! At first I was overwhelmed by the number of gadgets it had available to it's users, but as time passes I become more comfortable with it and learn new things. I recently learned (Thanks Dr. Michael Barbour) about Google Alerts. You can set up criteria to have Google notify you , via email, when a specific topic is posted to the web. For example, I'm interested in Michelle Rhee and the work she is doing at the Washington DC Schools. I click on the more link at the top of my Gmail page, and find Alerts. Follow the instructions and it's that easy. Be sure to include a string of words in quotations. Some of my alerts include: "Michelle Rhee," "Detroit Public Schools," and "urban education." Try it out and let me know what you think. I just set mine up yesterday and don't know how I ever lived without them! :)