Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Rachel Ray, Jr. is back!

I love to cook and try new recipes, and this one turned out so well that I thought I would share it with you. Last week I ate at The Traffic Jam & Snug, and had this wonderful meal called: Calling the Dr. Bombay Salmon. It was fabulous, and during dinner I thought I could try my best to replicate it. Today was the day, and it was delicious! I really enjoy cooking, and since I've been living with my parents for the past 7 months, I didn't really have to cook because they always cooked. Come on now...who is going to pass up home cooked meals by parents? Back to the kitchen for me. I really enjoyed my experience of cooking this, and I hope you will too. My recipe is slightly different, but it is based on the same concept. Here is what you'll need:

2 serving size pieces of salmon
1/4 Red Pepper
1/4 Yellow Pepper
1/4 Orange Pepper
1 hot pepper
1/2 Red Onion
Olive Oil
3/4 cup Apricot Jelly
Garlic Powder
Cayenne Pepper

I'm such a nerd that I took pictures while preparing it! :)

Slice your peppers and onions thin, because you are going to sauté them in olive oil. I put the peppers in first, since they are thicker and are going to take a little longer than the onions.

While that was in the skillet, I began to prepare the salmon for stuffing. Just slice it in the middle and make a little pocket. Be careful since the fish is flimsy.

When your veggies are finished, place them in a bowl to cool a bit, so you can handle them. As you wait for them to cool, mix together apricot jelly, (I just eyeballed the rest of these and didn't measure, so add at your liking), paprika, cayenne pepper, and garlic powder. Drizzle olive oil slowly into the mix. It'll help thin out your glaze.

After mixing together the ingredients for the glaze, drizzle your skillet with olive oil and turn on high heat.
The veggies should be cool enough to handle. Stuff salmon pockets with veggies.

When your pan is hot, place each piece in gently. Cook for just about 1 minute on each side. Now, pour your glaze on and smell the goodness! I put, 1/4 of the glaze on each piece, flipped the fish, and then used the rest. It won't take long to cook. Somewhere around 5-8 minutes.

Here are some pics of the finale!

Try it and let me know what you think!

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