Thursday, March 11, 2010

The iPhone App Support Group: Leslie Fisher

Attending session with Leslie Fisher:

Now over 200,000 apps; 200 new released daily

Save battery = turn 3G off, wi-fi, bluetooth, dim the screen

Funny Things:
Take picture of your screen: Hold Home button and click button on top of phone. Pic is stored in your photos.

Hold .com button for other .extensions

Open Tabs in Safari by clicking and holding on a link

Can email 5 photos at a time

Keeping up with new apps: AbbShopper and has RSS feeds:
App Community -

Teacher Productivity Apps:
Calendar on iPhone isn't so group - instead - App for Google Calendar: SaiSuke - Cost $9.99

Evernote: Free service - Take notes from anywhere and all get uploaded to your Evernote account

Twitter Apps:
Tweetie - Cutting Edge - truncating of URL's; nice interface, doesn't do a good job at telling you what is new

Ecofon: Not as pretty but she likes this one the best

Twitterlater - Includes a Map feature of tweets

Boxcar - will push notify you if tweet, @reply, rss, facebook, email - free for one service, $1.99 for each additional feature

File Synching - Dropbox - works in conjunction with

UStream - Viewer = view Ustream, Recorder = record videos, Broadcaster = record and push

iVideo Camera - 10fps - $.99

Photo Sharing:

Mapping Apps
Loopt - for friends only; control settings; tells people where you are at;

Around Me - Free; different then Yelp because Yelp is driven by user comments.
My POI's

Navigation Apps:
CoPilot Live - $34.99
Tom Tom - $99.99 - her opinion the worst ones
Motionx GPS Drive - $2.99, spend an extra $20 for the voice addition

Sportacular Pro
Yelp - for the 3GS Users - Monocole Feature (jealous!!)
Fast Food Premium
Viper Smart Start - User your iphone to start your Car! (yes, there is a God)
Red Laser - Takes pic of barcode and then compares online prices
Bableshot - take a pic of something and it will do language translations
Run Pee Mobile - Tells you which point of the movie you is safe to run to bathroom
Shop Savvy: like Red Laser but looks locally as well.

Audio Boo - Record and audio file and post to web (free)

She is still going, but I have a presentation at 2:30, so I'm posting and signing off. Check out her website:

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