Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Did you change the world today?

Post on Clif Mim's Blog:

Gadberry asks the important question, “Did you change the world today?” So many teachers go into the profession with the genuine intention to positively impact the world. Unfortunately, many of us allow lesson planning, grading, IEP meetings, curriculum standards, meetings, sports, tv, errands, etc. to fill the bulk of our schedules and crowd out any possibility of changing the world. You know exactly what I mean, so I won’t insult you by pontificating on the obvious.

I haven’t positively changed the world today, but I still have about 7.5 hours to work on it. I assure you I will.

Now it’s your turn. Did you change the world today? (Please share in your the Comments below.)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I just installed a full 30 day trial of Nvivo software for qualitative research. Can anyone give me any thoughts about your experience with it? Any pointers?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Detroit 2020

Detroit local news Channel 7 WXYZ has kicked off the new year with a new initiative that I'm THRILLED about, Detroit 2020. I'm looking forward to becoming involved in this project in some way. Please take a few minutes to visit the site, and watch some of the clips. I suggest that you start on Page 2 with the first video post (December 8, 2010). Watching all of the clips may be time consuming, so I suggest watching 1 or 2 videos a day. If you are a Metro-Detroiter I highly encourage you to find a way to become involved in the rebuilding of your city.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Waiting for Superman, MIAECT Responds

Have you ever heard news reports about US children falling behind other industrialized nations? How about a teacher complaining about their students and school? Do you believe there should be a national standardized test to measure student achievement? Do you question the difference between charter and public schools? Are you a parent or grandparent concerned about the future success of your child? Are you a business owner concerned about the competence of your future workforce? Should teachers be unionized? How are schools being held accountable? What are parents doing to ensure the success of their children in school? If you have any of these questions or any others related to the current status of the US public education system, then you need to participate in this event.

The MIAECT Chapter invites you to a viewing of the controversial 2010 educational documentary, Waiting for Superman, at the Royal Oak Landmark Main Theatre on Wednesday, February 9, 2010 (please see attached document for details and ticket information). The movie is no longer showing in the Detroit Metro area, so the MIAECT Chapter wants to bring it to you! The movie showing begins promptly at 4pm and will be followed by a discussion from 6-7pm.

You've heard all the it's time to join the discussion and take action. Join others from the Detroit Metro area and become active in the education of our children.

Purchase your ticket today:
Ticket Price: $8.00

The panelists for the evening include:

Lisa Toenigus - CEO Innovative Training Solutions

Nancy Maxwell - Executive Director - Sweet Dreamzzz, Inc.

Julia Putnam - Educator, co-founder of The Boggs Educational Center

Glenn Maleyko - Principal, Duvall Elementary, Dearborn Public Schools

Barry Schumer - Social Worker, Dearborn Public Schools; Author

For more information on MIAECT, please visit:

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Anyone know a system for selling tickets online? I have an event Feb. 9 & would like to sell tickets online. Thoughts?