Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Round 2 of DC Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee

I don't know if it is the determined approach she is taking to reforming the success of the children in Washington D.C. schools, her demeanor, or my own personal experience in working in and around urban school districts, but I'm a 100% supporter of Michelle Rhee. Obviously, something needs to happen. The current system is NOT working, and she was specifically brought to the district to create a positive change. LET HER DO IT! Give her plan, a different plan, "Plan B," a chance to be implemented and evaluated. If it does not show the measured results as compared to it's objectives, then dismiss it and come up with yet another plan. If you are unfamiliar with Michelle Rhee, read the previous blog and article I posted about her on August 18, 2008 titled: Fixing Washington D.C. Schools. When you are finished come back and read this follow-up article: published in The Washington Post. Many thanks to my NEA email thread for keeping me up-to-date.

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