Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sweet Dreamzzz

Sweet Dreamzzz Detroit is a non-profit organization committed to providing bedtime essentials and sleep education to at-risk children in preparation for classroom learning. Kathleen Donnelly took action after reading a 1996 article published in the Detroit Free Press about a boy living in a burned out building and sleeping under coats. Unfortunately, this story is repeated over and over again in Detroit. Many children don't have heat, beds, proper sleeping apparel, or adults that enforce a standard bedtime and the importance of a good nights sleep. Sweet Dreamzzz has stepped up to assist the Detroit students by providing a 45 minute instructional piece about the importance of sleep and how to prepare for a good nights rest. The program is implemented into grades K-8. The state of Michigan curriculum does not provide any sleep education until the 7th grade. Sweet Dreamzzz strongly believes that by that age students have already developed poor sleeping habits. At the conclusion of the sleep education segment, Sweet Dreamzzz provides each student with a 'SLEEP KIT.' The kit includes the following: Sleeping bag, Sweet Dreamzzz night shirt and activity book, crayons, socks, toothpaste, toothbrush, and Beanie Baby. The students are also allowed to pick one book of their choice to provide them an avenue to read and relax before falling asleep. Again, I cannot stress enough, SWEET DREAMZZZ IS A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION. They operate completely on donations. This weekend, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, they are having a "SLEEP WALK" to help raise money and awareness about the program and the importance of sleep. They also will accept any donations of any of the items that are in the sleep kits. In the past week alone, I met two people who have a bunch of Beanie Babies they no longer want, so they are donating them to Sweet Dreamzzz. Have the kids moved out of the house and you have all of their childhood books taking up space in the attic or basement collecting dust? The answer is simple...donate them to Sweet Dreammzzz! Be sure to check out their website and see how you can increase the classroom learning of at-risk children in Detroit. http://sweetdreamzzzdetroit.org/home.html

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Google and Cha Cha Text Feature

I don't know about you, but I'm a "constant texter," and I'm so excited to share this with you. Did you know that you can TEXT GOOGLE? Maybe I've been out of the loop, but you can send a question via text to Google or Cha Cha and receive an answer back to your cell. To text GOOGLE, simply type your text and send it to GOOGL (drop the E), or 46645. Cha Cha is another service that is similar to a search engine and can provide you answers for FREE via text or call. Here is the snip from their site:

ChaCha is like having a smart friend you can call or text for answers on your cell phone anytime for free! ChaCha works with virtually every provider and allows people with any mobile phone device - from basic flip phones to advanced smart phones - to ask any question in conversational English and receive an accurate answer as a text message in just a few minutes.
What’s your question?
Simply text your question to 242242 (spells ‘ChaCha’) or call 1-800-2ChaCha (800-224-2242) from your mobile phone to ask any question. What are you waiting for? Ask away!

I used both services this weekend and have stored both in my phone.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Robert "Dino" Comer

I was at the laundromat the other day and I met one of the most exciting and energetic people in my life, Robert "Dino" Comer. I was sitting at the table, and he just introduced himself to me, and we started talking. He was delivering a ton of positive vibes and you could tell he was a "regular" at the laundromat. Now that I think about it, I don't even think he was doing laundry? Anyway, his story is one to be shared with the world. Trust, I'm pretty sure he is sharing it, since he was sure that I left with a newspaper article (you have to read it) and the link to his little spot on YouTube, but maybe I can help him out even more. I'll sum it up for you...Dino did work in tv, motivational speaking, and worked in education. His mother became ill with cancer, and he left his job to be with her. She eventually lost her battle with cancer in 1999 and Dino lost his desire and passion for living. He has been homeless in Detroit for the past 7 years, but a had an eye opening moment. He took steps to get his life back on track, and he is now a student at WAYNE. He was so excited the other day when I met him because that very afternoon he was moving into his first apartment. He said, "I've owned 4 houses already, but never lived in an apartment." Be sure to check out his videos on YouTube and drop him a line or two. He'll love it! If you're looking for a motivational speaker be sure to consider Robert "Dino" Comer. I have his contact info. Feel free to ask. His book, Homeless Sweet Homeless, can be found in bookstores by the end of the year.