Thursday, March 19, 2009

Notes from MACUL - 2009

Hey hey...

The blogs that I posted today are my notes taken during the sessions I attended at the MACUL(Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning) Conference in Detroit. I apologize if they are not thorough or detailed, but please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the postings...I'll be glad to elaborate.

Good night...another day of conference activities tomorrow.

Extreme Makeover: Education Edition

Extreme makeover: Education Edition – Steve Dembo – Discovery Education

Virtual conference –

This is for BEGINNERS! – Take small steps; build
• Web 2.0 tools “get in, get out, done.”
• “Do one thing and do it well”
• A lot of people are not making money on these, so you don’t want to get married to a specific site. You have to realize that people are working on them on their own time
• Students are going to get this really quick
• How excited students will be knowing that they will be expected to complete the same activity when they are finished

Image at Flickr to demonstrate all of the Web 2.0 sites

The music is not inside the piano – Alan Key – gave an example of hair length and waist size; “in…out…done”; this is not going to raise test schools.

Let me Google that for you (?) - - Use it next time someone asks you a question that you know can be found easily on Google - edit; record; have the images mouth move
• You can put students pics up there and have their own voice
• Math: Coin and money example

What is the difference between websites and blogs?
Web – post information – doesn’t usually get updated that often
Usually create files on your computer and then you upload
Blog – “Fresh” information
Benefit: Is there a compelling reason to go to the school website everyday?
Designed so people keep coming back

Twitter - presentation

Moodlin' Along

We’re Just Moodlin’ Along - Tammy Maginity, Tech Coordinator, Pennfield Schools

One teacher asked “how is it different from a website?”
• The main difference is the collaboration

4 kinds of assignments
o Advanced uploading of files
o Upload a single file
o Online Text
o Offline activity

Quiz/Test Creation tool
Can import

“I’m not going to lie to you, you’re going to have to put a lot of time in creating this site and putting things in there.”
Login as a guest

Moodle Docs

Can Incorporate US
Plays for a little and pause, RC – Click on link

Best Practices in Online Learning: The Voices of Experience - MACUL 09

Best Practices in Online Learning: The Voices of Experience
Michigan Virtual School – Krisit Bush & Julie Swartz

Key Component #1 - Platform
• Blackboard
• – Banner generator
• Blending your building
o Classroom Lecture – Podcast
 Can take their classroom home and have their family involved
o Worksheet – Interactive through tools like SAS in School (now FREE)
 SAS Curriculum Pathways
• Interactive Assignments
o Core areas
• All you do is access the assignments from there. Provides instruction on how to use one of the assignments
o Written Test – Self-grading assessment with immediate feedback
• Frees up teacher to focus on the writing portion and higher level thinking skills
o Lab or Experiment
 Google – Science Simulations
• TimeSaving Tips
o Utilize existing files by adding attachment
o E-version of textbooks
 Check your current textbooks
o Textbook company web resources
o Test Genearator
• Powerful Tools
o Discovery Education
o Respondus
o SAS Curriculum Pathways

Key Component #2 - Curriculum
• Writing Reviser program that walks your kids through revisions
• Hierarchy
o Administrators
• Coming Soon to BB
o Curriculum Alignment Tools
 Content Standards and Benchmarks
 Reporting
• Gap Analysis
• Connect assessment results to content standards being evaluated

Key Component #3 – Assessment
• Immediate feedback

Alan November - Keynote - MACUL 09

Alan November – Thursday, March 19, 2009

Yes, we should learn the social tools that our students are using outside of the classroom, because they think “you can’t teach me if you don’t know what it is that I’m using.”

Anonymity to engage all of the people in the room – Instant Feedback

“Remember the Stars” video on YouTube – Number the Stars

Assignment – These are the 10 toughest things to learn in the curriculum and I need your help to find items that address these items – CURRICULUM RESEARCHERS

GOOGLE – AC stands for academic
More – Even more – Custom Search
1. Organize your staff to develop a search engine for families to use in their homes
2. Work of one child contributes to the benefit of others (collaborative)
Tutorial – Camtasia – Screen casting software – Tutorial Designers –
• Prime Factorization example – Math – Screen shots and recorded student voice
Harness the collective knowledge to benefit the community – this is the purpose of the web.

“A whole new mind” – Dan Pink - Book

ALTAVISTA – virtual index for any website

TEAMS OF STUDENTS: Search engine design team, curriculum design team, tutorial design team;
podcast team
1. Layout plan and responsibilities
2. Mic – Audacity – free software

What is the role of the learner in the 21st century? They need to have “real jobs.” You can still integrate NCLB.

End tech planning – ramp up – information and global communication planning – don’t plan for “stuff”; What information do you want…NOT what technology do you want.